- Digital Tonto

Description: At the Crossroads of Media, Marketing and Technology

marketing (37328) management (13813) media (9489) strategy (6300) big data (1848) machine intelligence (26) network theory (3)

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Not too long ago, I had a post about the danger of trusting your feelings go viral on LinkedIn. The reason it was so popular wasn’t necessarily that everyone liked it, but because many wanted to voice their disapproval. A surprising number of people vehemently objected to the idea that they should interrogate their feelings or keep them in check.

Make no mistake. While it is true that our emotions can alert us to dangers that our rational mind fails to recognize, they can also lead us wildly astray. Our hippocampus , where our memories reside, has a bee line to our amygdala , which plays a role in governing our emotions, circumventing our rational brain in the prefrontal corpus .

We tend to assume that good judgment is a function of intelligence and education, but often it’s not. We need to recognize that there are glitches in our neural machinery and that our gut feelings can be triggered by random events as well as by people who seek to manipulate us. That’s why we need to be careful. It’s always the suckers who think they’re playing it smart.

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