diffusion-face-relighting.github.io - Diffusion Face Relighting

Example domain paragraphs

Paper Code Abstract We present a novel approach to single-view face relighting in the wild. Handling non-diffuse effects, such as global illumination or cast shadows, has long been a challenge in face relighting. Prior work often assumes Lambertian surfaces, simplified lighting models or involves estimating 3D shape, albedo, or a shadow map. This estimation, however, is error-prone and requires many training examples with lighting ground truth to generalize well. Our work bypasses the need for accurate esti

The general idea of our method is simple: we first encode an input image into a feature vector that disentangles the lighting information from all other information in the image, then modify the lighting information in the vector and decode it. The challenge here is how to disentangle it well enough that the decoding will only affect the shading and not the person’s shape or identity. Our key idea is to leverage a conditional diffusion implicit model with a novel conditioning technique for this task and lea

In particular, we use off-the-shelf estimators ( DECA , Arcface , DiffAE , and BiSeNet ) to encode each training image into encodings of light, shape, camera, face embedding, shadow scalar, and background image, and train a DDIM decoder conditioned on these encodings. To relight an input face image, we reverse the generative process of the DDIM conditioned on the encodings of the input image to obtain xT. Then, we modify the light encoding and decode xT back to a relit output.

Links to diffusion-face-relighting.github.io (1)