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Hi everyone, Here is the next installment of introducing my characters, settings, and more to you. If you read Rogue Wolf or Heir to the Throne then you might know some of Hayleigh's story. If you haven't go check it out. 🙂 Hayleigh is the older one of two daughters born to the Alpha of … Continue reading H is for Hayleigh

Hi everyone, Gina is a character that is in development. I don't what her story is going to be yet or where she might show up. I am leaning toward her story being told in the series of stories I am writing set in South Carolina. A little about her for now. Gina is a … Continue reading G is for Gina

Hi everyone, Welcome to day six of the challenge. I wanted to with this post tell you about one of the places in the academy series that I am rebranding. The store is owned by Eric the vampire you met in the previous post. The store is a plantation style house. There are two floors … Continue reading F is for Fire Quill Book Store

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