dharmanitech.com - Design with Microcontrollers

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DharmaniTech - Blog with circuit designs and ideas around microcontrollers!!

    The Advance Encryption Standard (AES) is a block cipher, which uses 128 or 192 or 256 bit key to encrypt or decrypt 128 bit (16 byte) block of input data. So, the input file (or data string) is processed in blocks of 16 bytes each, as per the Block Cipher mode of operation (see the wiki here ). In addition, based on the mode of operation, Initialization Vector (IV) is also required for AES, which is unique (usually generated run time) for each encryption operation.

    I was checking out some libraries to use for file encryption in a project. So, I decided to test them mainly for the speed of encryption/ decryption, which is the subject of this post. The resultant test codes with terminal outputs are given here. These may serve purpose of example/ demo code for newcomers interested in checking out AES functionality in their programs. For testing these code examples, only hardware required is a Raspberry Pi Pico board and the USB programming cable, and you are ready to