- Devanshi

Description: An observer by nature, a writer by choice and a storyteller by passion—Devanshi is a combination of these. 21 years of being a part of the story called world, she has written two novels, namely Unimaginably True and First Love Lasts Forever. Life for her means family and writing. She loves food and enjoys eating and trying different cuisines. Devanshi has pursued English Honors from Miranda House, Delhi University.

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An observer by nature, a writer by choice and a storyteller by passion—Devanshi is a combination of these. 21 years of being a part of the story called world, she has written four novels, namely Unimaginably True, First Love Lasts Forever, No Matter What I Do and her latest release Imperfect Misfits. Life for her means family and writing. She loves food and enjoys eating and trying different cuisines. Devanshi has pursued English Honors from Miranda House, Delhi University. She is a person who dissolves gen

Devanshi Sharma's new book, Write It Down, a Creative Writer's Handbook can be check out HERE .

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam pulvinar, odio sed rhoncus suscipit