- DesScribed - Reflections of the Everyday and Sometime Extraordinary

Description: Reflections of the Everyday and Sometime Extraordinary

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Today, September 20, 2022, begins the next leg of my pancreatic cancer journey. After a repeat CT scan , intake, and lab work, I am sitting in the waiting room while my future path is being decided by the group of people on my interdisciplinary team at UCHealth Anschutz .

It’s an incredibly daunting wait. Has the cancer spread or stayed the same ? Have the cancer cells in my common bile duct become tumors ? Does my lab work reflect the otherwise excellent health I possess ? I wouldn’t wish this wait upon a single soul. Not even a walk at a nature reserve after a late breakfast soothed my increasing agitation.

Chemotherapy. Surgery. Possible genetic mutations. Those are all heady topics beyond the insidious pancreatic cancer diagnosis. Yet, when I walked in this morning, I knew without a doubt I am one of the “lucky” ones. I am not the 80% who are slowly being internally proliferated by pancreatic cancer and find out when it is too late for them to have a decent fighting opportunity. Often death is soon upon them after learning they are ill. That is not my story and I grieve for each one who’s story that became o

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