- Michelle Leonard UX Manager + Senior UI/UX Designer LA

Description: Michelle Leonard is a User Experience Manager with over 15 years of experience passionate about leading UX design teams, working with product and engineering in an agile environment.

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My day job is being a interaction design professional and I am tasked with making other peoples lives easier by shipping user-friendly products, while mentoring and leading. My passion for technology and the digital design space started while working for the Badger Herald newspaper in college at Madison,WI and it has only continued to grow and evolve through the years.

I currently live in Encino, CA with my hubby Luke @DaddyNannyDiairies , 9 yr old daughter Ivy, 6 yr old son Logan and cat Roger. Roger is famous on YouTube. Traveling, writing more, and creating a my own app are just a few things on my bucket list. I also actively volunteer my time at my children's school by updating the website and serving as VP of the Gala fundraiser.

Understand and design for the individual experiences and journeys of the product while working with a cross functional team.

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