- DERPCON || Denver Enterprise Risk Professionals Conference

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COVID-19 has affected huge sectors of everyday life but many of us in the InfoSec community are fortunate enough to have employment that transitioned to remote work.

While many folks around the nation are facing medical or financial hardships, our staff wanted to find a way we could give back to those in need. Our solution was DerpCon 2020 ( We may not be able to be on the front lines of this crisis, but we can use our efforts to provide an interesting information security conference to share knowledge and passion with our community. Most importantly, we can help those in need through donations from kind-hearted infosec individuals from all over.

Communities across Colorado without access to critical services and opportunities due to race and socioeconomic status are now facing unparalleled barriers due to COVID-19. The Colorado COVID Relief Fund's purpose is to raise and coordinate allocation of funds for unmet needs of disproportionately affected Coloradans all over the state, including: • People without health insurance • Workers that do not have access to paid sick leave • People with limited English proficiency • Healthcare, hospitality, servic