- Derek Fountain : Home

Description: Derek Fountain

derek fountain (4) tina reinson (4)

Example domain paragraphs

There comes a time in every software developer's life when they have to do a website. I'd avoided the issue for many years, but eventually I threw together a few pages. Then I realised that a few thrown together pages is a lot worse than nothing at all. So, when I found a bit of free time, I set about doing a proper job. I don't claim to be a designer of any sort, and especially not a web site designer, so this site is supposed be be simple and effective. I like simple and effective.

This website is where you'll find information about me, my work, hobbies and so on. I have another website called, which is for stuff to do with Tina and I.

That's me, in the mugshot to the left. The random photos, generated for each page you view, are from my personal collection. The random links point to friend's websites and other interesting places on the web.

Links to (1)