- Dentistry Personal Statement Service

Description: Dentistry Personal Statement Editing and Writing Service Samples, Advanced Standing, Foreign Trained, International Dentist DDS/DMD, Masters Admission Application Essay Examples

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Example domain paragraphs

Describe any activities requiring manual dexterity (e.g. activities requiring hand-eye coordination such as cross-stitching, sewing, art, crafts, playing musical instruments, auto repair, etc.) at which you are proficient .

Since I was very young, I have enjoyed the intricate challenge of making jewelry with beads. I have made many necklaces, rings, and bracelets with small beads. The beads that I have worked with over the course of many years have gotten smaller as my agility, coordination, and practice have constantly improved. I have also enjoyed sewing and altering my own clothes, something which I began in high school. Last year, I made over 100 bracelets out of parachute cord to help raise funds for the Annual Chinese Cu

My hands are my tools and my art, where my soul lies, seeking expression through mastery of manipulation in small spaces. I feed on challenge and working intricately in small spaces appeals to my disposition and dedication to the cause of healing and pain alleviation.