- TANSTAAFL | There Ain't No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

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It’s short, and it’s not sweet.  I’ve waited a long time to write this.

Four weeks ago I last posted, and today, having anticipated this anniversary date for a span of years, I find myself needing to post again, for whatever reason.  “This anniversary date” is, in fact, seven years to the day after my ex-wife from a distant location sent me a text message which she did follow up with action.  The content of that text message, which I received about 0630 on this date in 2016, was “We will be there today to get my things.”  That was 2556 days ago, not counting today, and we had b

Here it is, you see:  It is now March 31,2023, and exactly six years ago, which was March 31, 2017, was my last day as a full time employee.  (Someone, somewhere, had dropped a ball in some way, and my task order was not going to be renewed for “about three weeks”.)  All right, then, so it was going to be a short time for retirement practice, as I was at the time 65 years old.