- Andong Deng's Homepage

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邓安东 Andong Deng

I am an upcoming PhD student in 2022 Fall at Center for Research in Computer Vision , University of Central Florida , advised by Dr. Chen Chen .

From 2021 to 2022, I have been spending a wonderful period of time at GeWu Lab , working with Dr. Di Hu , who is really a passionate and respectful young scholar and I learned a lot from him. I have also worked as a deep learning research intern at Big Data Lab, Baidu, working with Dr. Xingjian Li and Dr. Dejing Dou . Prior to that, I obtained my Master degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2021, and worked as a research assistant advised by Dr. Weiwei Cai . I spent stupid years from 2016 to 2018, du