- Demos Migrant Portal - Migration and Demography Database

Description: Demos Migrant Portal a database of links related to migration and demography. The Portal is intended for the academic community, researchers and professors...

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About the Portal The Portal has a scholarly and non-profit nature. The purpose of the Demos-Migrant Portal is to collect and systematize interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary knowledge on demography and migration in one place. This project largely reflects the current Zeitgeist. It is a database of links on relevant topics, such as sociology of migration, economic theory and migration, law and migration, political science and migration, history and migration, culture and migration, etc.

The Portal is intended for the academic community, researchers and professors of social sciences in the field of demography and migration. It can be used by government bodies in Croatia, Europe and the world, covering the field of demographic and migration policy and by political parties in relation to their own demographic and migration policies. Media outlets that publish content on demographics and migration can also find it useful. Last but not the least, the Portal is intended for citizens as a source

The first objective is the use of databases for scholarly research and educational purposes. The Portal gathers demographic and migration knowledge in one place which will make it easier for researchers to gather data. The second objective is the use of databases for making demographic and migration policies. The Portal grants free access to information that allows users to gain a thorough insight into demography and migration which should help them make better policies. The third objective is the use datab

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