- Dear World -- See someone though stories.

Description: Dear World creates storytelling methods and keynotes to develop people. Brain Tattoo, PRTRAIT and LOYL are current methods. Founded by Robert X. Fogarty.

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Orientation: Schools use Dear World to welcome new students. Dear World Academy: Duke Men’s Basketball Dear World Live: Brain Tattoo Method + YPO New England Dear World Live: Brain Tattoo Method + Deluxe Sales Kickoff John Hancock meeting planners preview the PRTRAIT process. Fidelity Integrates New team with PRTRAIT Process by Dear World Inclusion Forum: the NCAA Dear World Live: Virtual Storytelling About Us Storytellers, Producers and Staff Dear World Foundation NEW: PRTRAIT PROCESS with Sandy Hook Shoot

Book a call with us The Dear World Academy benefits organizations and executives who seek: Cultural and Values re-organization and restructuring Ongoing storytelling skill building curriculum Preparing executives to deliver authentic keynotes and speeches. Storytelling certifications to deliver our methods at scale Annual Programming like Onboarding and Orientations.

Buyer Profile: Chief People Officers Learning and Development Executives Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Executives University Orientation Directors

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