dcfawcettrealestate.com - Dc Fawcett real estate [ Virtual Real Investing ]

Description: Dc Fawcett real estate | DC Fawcett is an expert at Virtual Real Estate Investing. He invests in multiple virtual markets and has mastered the art of virtual wholesaling

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Selling a property is a big decision and it comes with a lot of complexities. However, when it comes to selling an old property versus a new one, there are several key differences to keep in mind. Here are five major differences between selling an old property and a new property.

One of the most significant differences between selling an old property and a new property is the condition of the property. Old properties are typically in a state of wear and tear, and may require repairs or renovations to make them more appealing to potential buyers. New properties, on the other hand, are often in pristine condition and require little to no repairs or renovations.

Another major difference between selling an old property and a new property is the price point. Old properties tend to have a lower price point than new properties, as buyers are aware that they will need to invest additional funds to fix any issues or renovate the property. New properties, on the other hand, come with a higher price point due to their modern design and updated features.

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