dbsherpa.com - Database Sherpa – Tips and real-world stories in designing, building and tuning enterprise-grade data and databases

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Tips and real-world stories in designing, building and tuning enterprise-grade data and databases

My whole life I’ve enjoyed a sense of who I am, what I wanted to accomplish, and how to get there…until Oct 7th, 2014. On that day I went through my first and only panic attack. It was related to losing half my account in the foreign exchange market. I had “lost” half of my account many times before in the two years of practicing before going live with real money. And I had lost half of my real account twice before this day. But this day was different. Something broke inside me. The panic attack was so far

On that day, I lost my mojo. That wind beneath my wings, compelling sense of purpose, vision and clear direction…all gone in an instant. It is still a mystery to me, why that would all disappear with the only panic attack I’ve ever experienced, but it did.

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