dazyrecords.com - Dazy Records | Independent Record Label | Sign With an Indie Label | Unsigned Artists/Bands | Rock/POP/Dance Record Label

Description: Dazy Records is an independent record label offering unsigned artists & bands the chance to do more. We are looking to sign artist/bands making anything great from rock, pop to dance music

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We Believe In Music, We Believe In You...

DazyRecords is a unique platform to help Bands & Artists step up and showcase their talents to the world! We provide Bands & Artists with a showcase page, which includes a merch shop! We can add your music/images/videos and link to your socials. We will create playlists and try everything we can to boost you, your Music and Art!

It’s simple. You are not bound by exclusivity. We only ask 50% of profits from your merchandise shop. All your music/images/videos remain yours. We will not sign ‘anyone’ and you must send a good demo in to be considered for this unique record label.

Links to dazyrecords.com (3)