davidtalby.com - David Talby's Home Page

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I’m a CTO at John Snow Labs, helping healthcare & life science companies put AI to good use. My interests include natural language processing, applied artificial intelligence in healthcare, and responsible AI.

John Snow Labs' Spark NLP is an open source text processing library for Python, Java, and Scala. It provides production-grade, scalable, and trainable versions of the latest research in natural language processing.

Spark NLP for Healthcare is a commercial extension of Spark NLP for clinical and biomedical text mining. It provides healthcare-specific annotators, pipelines, models, and embeddings for clinical entity recognition, clinical entity linking, entity normalization, assertion status detection, de-identification, relation extraction, and spell checking and correction. It also includes over 4000 pre-trained healthcare models, that can recognize the entities such as clinical, drugs, risk factors, anatomy, demograp