davidbeskar.net - About

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David began his career as an assistant software engineer at Triple Vision Inc. in Minneapolis, quickly rising through the ranks. I wrote computer software in the C programming language for use in larger projects. Each project was overseen by a team leader, who assigned me code parts to write.

David received his degrees in Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Saint Thomas, accompanied by a bachelor’s degree from the University of Minnesota, in addition to developing computers as a young man. His excellent mathematical and scientific abilities melded seamlessly with his natural computing abilities, yet academics were never on his mind.

David was a math and science teacher at Trinity School for six years. After that, I worked for two years at Central Catholic High School in Portland, OR, as a science and A.P. programming instructor. He was the school’s network administrator and help desk support technician at the same time, and he created and managed the school’s first computer network for administration, development, and the student body. Computers were added to classes, and the computer lab was renovated to provide internet connectivity

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