davidagarner.com - David A. Garner - Ph.D. Student, Editor, Digital Analyst & Web Developer

Description: I'm David Garner, Ph.D. student, editor, digital analyst & web developer. Welcome to my resume/portfolio website.

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I’m David A. Garner, and my interests converge on philosophy, theology, literature, and political theory. Currently, I am a Ph.D. student at Indiana University Bloomington, working on a dual doctorate in Religious Studies and Comparative Literature . My main era of study is 20th-century American literature, probing the relationship between religion, literature, and politics: How does literature change the world? Does literature provide an alternative to current social, political, and historical currents? Do

Pershing, Yoakley & Associates, P.C. (PYAPC), is one of the top-ten largest private-held healthcare consulting and accounting firms. With services ranging from healthcare to banking to tax, PYAPC requested all the digital tools at BigWheel’s disposal.

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