davemenninger.com - Dave Menninger . com

Example domain paragraphs

I've been reading up on IndieWeb ideas and trying to implement them on my own site. One idea in particular was interesting enough to me to make me break my 'no scripting' rule. Micropub is a standard for creating posts on your own site, using third-party clients. The idea is that you use IndieAuth to authenticate to your own domain, then your site accepts a POST with form-encoded values and creats a note, article, or whatever, in whatever format you want. Separating the client implementation from the server

I'm attempting to use it in a particular way on my site, which means I need to write some code. I've always wanted to create a linkblog like Andy Baio's at Waxy.org . I currently use Buffer to post links and they get posted to Twitter and then to Facebook. Buffer is really nice, but the big downside is that I don't have a nice archive on my own site of what I've posted. So I'd like to use Micropub to post links to my own site and then POSSE them elsewhere.

The steps to accomplish this are several. First, I need a micropub endpoint here so I can post here from other clients. That's what I have now. I've used Jeremy Keith's PHP code to accept micropub posts and store them to a file locally. I am still figuring out whether storing the posts locally in JSON is the best option. I thought it would be easier to render from JSON to HTML, but after reading this , I'm not sure.