- Data Stories – Engaging with data in a post-truth environment

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How do we engage with data in a post-truth society? Data Stories is an EPSRC -funded project that aims to find out. Through an approach drawing from the disciplines of machine learning, game design, crowdsourcing, social and political sciences, creative writing, visual arts, and more, we aim to explore how people engage with data, by making it more relevant, more interactive, and more easily shared.

In the post-truth society we live in, experts must find novel ways to bring hard, factual data to citizens. Data must entertain as well as inform, and excite as well as educate. It must be built with sharing through social channels in mind and become part of our everyday activities and interactions with others. Data Stories will look at novel frameworks and technologies for bringing data to people through art, games, and storytelling. It will examine the impact that varying levels of localisation, topicalis

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