- 星空平台(中国)深圳有限公司

Description: 星空平台【信誉|大平台】成立于2003年,业务涵盖房地产开发、园林景观、物业服务等领域,分布于3省7城41盘,服务业主10万+。2021年销售额约96.4亿,星空平台位于河北本土房企业绩前三,各债务指标均严控“红线”标准,稳居绿档房企行列。

administratie (540) financieel (230) journaal (52) dagboek (29) debiteur (19) jaarverslag (13) accountview (7) crediteur (4) grootboek (2) financi�le

Example domain paragraphs

Have some issues with Oracle E-Business suite.. functional or technical.. cant be resolved by your consultant.. just contact our help line  

  [email protected]

and see the difference.. we will reach you thru CISCO webex and resolve it fast