dashora7.github.io - Nitish Dashora

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Nitish Dashora

I am a post-bacc at UC Berkeley where I am a researcher at Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research under Prof. Sergey Levine . I used to conduct research under Prof. Bruno Olshausen from the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience . Lastly, I was a member of Machine Learning at Berkeley where I led research projects, made free course content, and mentored incoming students. I recieved my B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) from UC Berkeley.

Summer 2023: I was a research intern at the Center for Human-Compatible AI working under Prof. Stuart Russell to study human-inspired exploration and skill discovery paradigms. Summer 2022: I was a software development engineer intern at Amazon working with Amazon Web Services to create optimized Spark/Hadoop algorithms that use multiple clusters from load balancing across sharded data. Summer 2021: I was a research fellow at NASA JPL where I worked with team CoStar , a joint MIT-Caltech-NASA organization f

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