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Description: DARREN COPE - Cycling and GIS Geekery For All!

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Cycling and GIS Geekery For All!

A while back, I worked on a project that required the conversion of a number of KML/KMZ (Google Earth) raster files into vector format (don’t ask!) Because there were a lot of files, it was painstaking to manually geo-reference the files after unzipping the KMZ to extract the raster files. I dug around on the web, and was able to find two tools that did the job. The first, WorldFileTool , works great, but must be run individually for each file ( ie. you can’t run it in a batch over multiple files in a direc

The other option I found was a shell script created by Nicolas Moyroud, who had made it available at this link . However, the link now appears to be broken, and I can’t find another reference to the file. As it’s tagged as a “GNU/GPL v3 – Free use, distribution and modification” license, I’m posting a copy here for others who may find it of use. Note that all credit for this file goes to Nicolas Moyroud, and I have no claim to this work!