darkpeakanalytics.com - Dark Peak Analytics

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We will give a workshop on "The Potential of R Shiny User Interfaces to Support Health Economic Decision Making" at the Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021 Conference.

We develop decision analytical models in R. We have experience with all sorts of models, ranging from simple decision trees and Markov models, to sophisticated individual patient simulations. We are also happy to help you figure out what kind of model best fits your decision problem, and/or implement more advanced analytical methods, such as value of information, or calibration. (Why R?)

Do you have an old, clunky decision model in MS Excel that could do with a turbo boost? Or do you want to upgrade a model and run computationally expensive analyses (like EVPPI)? We 'translate' your model into R, make it faster, easier to use, with a clear documentation, that ensures that it can be easily maintained and updated in the future.