daniellasilvercooks.com - Daniella Silver Cooks | Variations | Daniella Silver

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I absolutely love and get great satisfaction from being in the kitchen even though I’m not a professional chef nor have I gone to culinary school. I love to cook for my family and friends and look forward to any opportunity to be creative and innovative with my meals.

I belong to the "desserty" subset of foodie culture. I need something sweet after every meal. Actually, I need two or three sweet things to satisfy me. As a child, I always enjoyed cooking and baking for my family. When I was 10, I remember baking the most elaborate cheesecake for our Shavuot dinner. It was my proudest accomplishment, and my family was amazed! Of course, they only had a small taste because I pretty much ate the whole thing.

At 22, Jeffery Silver and I were married. We have three little girls, who are the loves of our lives. Watching them grow has only increased my desire to cook well and eat right.