danielaconstantini.com - Home - Daniela Constantini's Portfolio

Description: Portraits | Product | Commercial | Documentary Photography | Video. Available for photography projects for private clients and for businesses. Based in Bern, Switzerland. Available Worldwide.

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Feature Shoot Emerging Photography Award, Series Winner, 2021. 

The photographer  Daniela Constantini  pays homage to the women who helped shape her in a series of rich and evocative portraits that symbolically span generations. “[This series] is an ode to women,” she says. “To the women in my life, whom I met since I moved to Bern and have now become family, close friends, or new acquaintances, muses to my work.

“Women in my family have always been strong figures, hard workers, feral, outspoken, pillars to the family. I became a photographer when most of the women I looked up to and grew up with were no longer in this world. I decided to honor the women of my past by honoring the women in my present. I occasionally include garments or pieces that belonged to my grandmother, great aunt, and great grandmother. This work balances past and present, desire, and memories.”