dand.net - Dan Dreifort – SEO, UX, FX, Art, Interviews, Complaining

Description: SEO, UX, FX, Art, Interviews, Complaining

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SEO, UX, FX, Art, Interviews, Complaining

The fresh haps on why 301 redirects matter and what pitfalls to avoid when rejiggering your website. Involve your SEO maven in the conversation to help your organization plot a smart course.

My cardiologist told me to give up caffeine a little over a year ago. I took her advice to heart. (ha!) Just like that, my premature ventricular beat all but went away. Confession: I sneak the occasional indulgent sip from the wife's coffee. She's the oddball who regularly splits her coffee attention between purist-friendly single-origin … Continue reading The Best Flavored Coffee? →

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