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Description: DailyGrindhouse.com In-depth articles, interviews, reviews, trailers and tributes to the world of grindhouse, horror, exploitation, sci-fi, giallo, cult, euro-trash, post-apocalyptic and action movies. TOUGH FILMS FOR THE ROUGH CROWD!

film (20536) movies (6103) action (3530) horror (1769) cult (194) exploitation (182) post apocalyptic (81) giallo (40) grindhouse (19) euro trash (2)

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    The werewolf is above all else a tragic figure in film. Lonely, accursed, and in constant danger of harming those closest to them, they’ve been a metaphor for the isolated outsider for over a century now (Let the entropy sink in). The social ostracization of those who don’t…

POPCORN FRIGHTS brings unique and unforgettable films every year, and 2023 brought quite a bit of playfulness to their line-up. ELDRITCH, USA follows Geoff (Graham Weldin), a small-town dreamer aspiring to be a star reporter, who is suddenly thrust into the spotlight when his brother (the real star reporter) Rich…

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