- Breeze

Example domain paragraphs

Here, in Spain, they pay you 2500Euros for each baby. There, somewhere, they pay 15 million to Angelina Julie for a picture of her twins. Conclusion: 2x2500 = 15000000

posted by Cyrus at 7:07 AM | 5 comments

Well, Eurovision 2008 is finished with some strange results. Russia is now the winner and perhaps will stay there forever. Why, you just need to take a look at the results. All ex-russian countries vote for it!!! This is somehow stupid. Russians for Russia, Scandinavians for Scandinavia, Spain for ... During the contest, the Spanish presentator could predict more than 90% of the votes saying this one is going to vote for these, ... And the contestants, a majority of them, were singing in English. Why? Not s