- The Sandbox | Understanding CyberForensics

Description: We need to get some definitions out of the way so we all know what we are talking about. WHAT IS A SANDBOX: A "sandbox", as it relates to computer security, is a designated, separate and restricted environment (or "container", with tight control and permissions, where computer code can run without the ability to cause damage or infection. Just like in a real playground where children can play in the sandbox -- but are not allowed to play anywhere outside of the sand box. And the box around the "sand box" is

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We need to get some definitions out of the way so we all know what we are talking about.

WHAT IS A SANDBOX: A “sandbox”, as it relates to computer security, is a designated, separate and restricted environment (or “container”, with tight control and permissions, where computer code can run without the ability to cause damage or infection. Just like in a real playground where children can play in the sandbox — but are not allowed to play anywhere outside of the sand box. And the box around the “sand box” is designed to keep the sand in and not make a mess all around. At that moment, the sandbox

WHAT IS VIRTUALIZATION and VIRTUAL MACHINES / VIRTUAL WORLD: “Virtualization” provides a separate environment within a computer that can function independently from all other environments on the computer. One virtual container cannot change or modify another virtual container.