- in progress | The further adventures of Chris Wilson, open web platform guy

Description: The further adventures of Chris Wilson, open web platform guy

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I’m here, in my nearly-abandoned long form web home, to ask for one simple thing.

If you are able to influence the decision-making at a W3C Member company, please vote for me as your first choice in the current Advisory Board election.

I believe the W3C is slipping toward irrelevance.  The situation is not hopeless, however, and I have ideas that I believe can reverse that trend.  I also believe it is critically important that the W3C and Google continue to collaborate to improve the processes where our common interests are evident.  (If you believe Google helps the web platform move forward, think of this as “we need to work more closely together.”  If you believe Google is not a force for good in the web platform, well, I’d love to disc

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