- | Welcome to coogsywoogsy's CannaVault

Description: Welcome to coogsywoogsy's CannaVault

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DISCLAIMER:  The writing you read on this blog in general will be opinion, but I cannot stress this enough in relation to the Strain Reviews – THESE ARE PREFERENCES. What I like and what I appreciate in cannabis may not directly correlate to your preferences or needs. It’s important to recognize that I am a part of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Medical Marijuana Program, which both gives me access to a wider variety of cannabis and much more reliable information regarding the grow/grower. Th

“A preparation was employed with results which seem to me to warrant our anticipating from its more extensive and impartial use no inconsiderable addition to the resources of the physician.” –  William Brooke O’Shaughnessy accounting his use of cannabis extracted using an alcohol tincture

The Scythians, a tribe of migrants who inhaled cannabis-infused steam for ritual purposes, migrated out of their Siberian homeland around 800 BC.