- CVWC2019

Example domain paragraphs

Conservation of wildlife is important to maintaining a healthy and balanced ecosystem, and ensuring the continued biodiversity of our world. In particular,endangered species serve as an important indicator for biodiversity and environmental health. Governments around the world along with environmental organizations such as WWF (World Wildlife Fund) have dedicated many resources and projects to protect endangered species.

Critical to wildlife conservation is monitoring trends in the geospatial distribution of wildlife, and tracking population. This foundational data guides resourcing and strategies for wildlife protection, and potentially alert for situational changes that impact endangered species. Growing challenges such as wide range of activity, poaching, loss of habitat, and others have made tracking wildlife an increasingly difficult task. Fortunately, computer vision techniques have shown promises in addressing severa

This workshop aims to enhance the social responsibility of the CV community, and bring together researchers in the community to advance wildlife conservation using CV techniques from 3 aspects: Welcome contributed papers in a broad area of CV for wildlife conservation. Organize a challenge on dataset we collected for Amur tiger conservation with tasks like tiger detection, pose estimation and re-identification. Foster new ideas and directions on "CV for wildlife conservation" with invited talks and panel di

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