- Curious..about data – One data professional's adventures with data..and beyond

Description: One data professional's adventures with data..and beyond

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This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by Tomaz Kastrun – his call is to write about how we’ve used ChatGPT, and what are ethical issues, if any, that we have encountered while using it. I am a relatively new user. I know most people are like me, but some of us are newer than others… Continue reading T-SQL Tuesday 162 : Data Science and ChatGPT

We all need guidance as we make our way through our careers and our lives. Some people are blessed with the right folks who can offer that by way of friendships and family members. Others have to find it the hard way. This post is about some of my adventures and mis adventures in this… Continue reading Finding guidance

I am writing this blog post as contribution to #NewStarNovember and what got me re-started as a tech speaker in 2020. I haven’t done a lot of tech speaking – and no the reason is not what you likely think it is not jitters or stagefright or any such thing. I do have my… Continue reading My adventures with speaking and what changed

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