- Bonnie Cullison | Democrat for Maryland

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Please click the linked image to read the MD LGBTQ+ Caucus statement on recent Supreme Court decisions. If there is a lesson to be learned from these rulings, it is one that future generations will cite as a dismally dark chapter in our nation’s history.

The District 19 legislative team of Senator Kramer, Delegate Charlotte Crutchfield, Delegate Cullison, and Delegate Vaughn Stewart has been committed to public service of the district and the state over the last four years, each one of us passing legislation that helps residents of our district and our state. We bring a variety of experiences (education, business and the law) to the work and a willingness to work with others to pass good laws. I am proud to be a part of this team and look forward to 4 more

Pictured from left to right: Senator Ben Kramer, Delegates Bonnie Cullison, Charlotte Crutchfield, and Vaughn Stewart.