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There’s probably not a single liberal type blogger who hasn’t commented about the fact that every time a Republican accuses a Democrat, or Democrats, of something heinous, it is a sure bet that it is something Republicans are already doing or planning to do. I suppose it’s possible that someone in the mainstream media, possibly Paul Krugman, has commented on this fact as well, but it mostly goes unremarked because, after all, one must maintain objectivity, which means one must never mention certain obvious

Case in point. We have the idiotic Gym Jordan heading a committe on the “weaponization” of the government against conservatives, a charge he has, to date, failed to back up with enough evidence to establish a whiff of suspicion, never mind, probably cause.

But of course this means that when given the chance Republicans intend to weaponize the government against their own foes, including, sooner or later, unless I miss my guess, the hapless media that fails repeatedly to call them out for what they are.