csuglobalbusinessacademy.com - Global Business Academy - High School Summer Business Programs

Description: The Global Business Academy is a summer business program for high school students hosted by CSU's College of Business. Enroll today.

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The Global Business Academy is a summer business program for current high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors.

You’ll create great summer memories in this 10-day, action-packed experience and meet students from around the globe while learning how to use business to create a better world. The program includes an overnight stay at CSU's beautiful Mountain Campus in the Rockies and will give you a taste of college life, staying in the University dorms in Fort Collins.

You'll gain lifelong skills in international business and leadership, greater confidence, new passions and interests to explore, global friendships, and discover new ways to apply your business knowledge to what you care about most. No matter where your future career path leads, it's invaluable to have an understanding of what makes the business world turn.