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A total of £1.2 billion is borrowed in the form of payday loans every year in the UK as approximately 1.2 million people use them a temporary means to get by. The short term credit industry enables borrowers to quickly access small loans meant to cover emergency expenses, such as car repairs. Most short term credit companies keep a steady eye to the regulations and are committed to keeping the industry healthy and offering consumers a useful tool to manage financial shortfalls.While it is sadly the case tha

Having a good marketing and advertising strategy in place means that businesses get the right exposure of services or products there are offering consumers. In the past this proved to be a very expensive operation which involved a lot of planning. Digital marketing came along and offered businesses an affordable option that is proving to be very effective and the mass market is now aware of the benefits they can gain from it.With the advent of agencies and consultants who now specialise in this field of wor

So you want to learn how to build a successful online business. I don’t know your exact situation right now, but I can guess that you probably fall into one of 2 categories: either you are currently working the 9-5 and want to find an alternative or you are already in an online business and are looking to increase your income. So let’s have a look at the 5 pillars of how to build a successful online business.Success Pillar 1: Have a PlanIf you were going to setup a brick-and-mortar business and had to borro