- Crowded Heaven - Prepare Today For An Eternal Tomorrow

Example domain paragraphs

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. [2 Cor 4:18]

Reading the bible is like persevering through a puzzle piece-by-piece. Starting with the border helps establish the confines of the image. Then, diligently working within that perimeter, continual achievements are met as the visual picture comes into focus. It is that final piece, however, that provides a great sense of relief that nothing has been lost or missed along the journey.

For centuries scholars have strained over that final piece of the biblical puzzle, which is the book of Revelation, or final book of the bible. They have struggled to understand the true message hidden within the cryptic language. Many have been frustrated, tormented, or simply given up deciphering the code and adopted a previously established interpretation. They have surrendered in letting someone else place that final piece of their puzzle. Not so for one woman in the 21st century that refused to submit.