- Crnk: Resource-oriented Rest Development with JSON:API

Example domain paragraphs

Star info 9. May 2021 : With 3.4.20210509072026 a new release available on Maven Central! JCenter as former hosting platform is shutting down. Crnk is also moving to GitHub Actions/Packages to then make recent builds available again.

By following shared conventions, you can increase productivity, take advantage of generalized tooling, and focus on what matters: your application .

Meta and presentation models allow to learn about the system at compile and runtime. For example, the Crnk generator can create derived artifacts like Typescript stubs and Asciidoc documentation. The later presents the resource model and showcases verified API calls extracted from running test cases. A cluttering of documentation-related annotations is not necessary. security The resource-oriented nature allows for authorization mechanisms that go well beyond traditional REST endpoints: Limit access to reso