- An ecologist on a mission - Julian Caldecott

Description:  As an ecologist and writer, my job is to raise awareness of the subtle but potent and dangerous changes that are underway in our relations with the living world and with each other, and to offer the best possible information and guidance on how to make them less severe.

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This talk by Julian Caldecott was on Lost Species Day and St Andrew’s Day/ Là Naomh Anndrais , 30th November 2023, at the Edinburgh Climate Change Institute (ECCI) , and was organised by the Edinburgh Environment and Development Network (EEDN) .

About the talk . Almost every community in Scotland has people actively restoring peace with nature or wanting to, and this puts Scotland in the vanguard of a global Zeitgeist shift to restore peace with nature . Ecocide laws and constitutional protections for nature are urgently needed to accelerate and consolidate this shift in values and attitudes. Scotland has the opportunity to be a global thought-leader in this process. A video of the talk is in preparation and the link will be posted here shortly . M

I have long focused on encouraging and enabling official aid agencies to appreciate ecological reality and the power of nature-based and community-based solutions to global heating, mass extinction extinction and ecological degradation. An overview of my work and links to my writing is here , and my ORCID bio is here . My recent works include the 2020 edition of my book Water: Life in Every Drop , my 2021 book Surviving Climate Chaos , my 2022 dialogue on Peace with Nature for the Scottish Wildlife Trust, a

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