- Harbour and River Moorings - Cowes Harbour Services - pontoons, berths, swinging moorings, Cowes Roads to the Folly, Isle of Wig

Description: Cowes Harbour Services owns and licences the majority of the pontoons, swinging moorings, and pile berths within Cowes Harbour and the River Medina, as far south as the Folly Inn.

commission (1052) harbour (239) pontoons (135) moorings (98) cowes (44) swinging moorings (2) cowes moorings pile berths river medina

Example domain paragraphs

Cowes Harbour Services owns and licences the majority of the pontoons, swinging moorings, and pile berths within Cowes Harbour and the River Medina, as far south as the Folly Inn. See our Mooring Location Chartlet , which illustrates all our mooring options from the Outer Harbour right down to the Folly Reach area. The pontoons can accommodate vessels of most lengths but are limited by the draught. Most pontoons are suitable for vessels with a draught of up to 1.5m, although vessels with a draught of up to