- Corridan Wellness & Acupuncture Center P.C. – Corridan Wellness

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Acupuncture is a proven, effective, evidence based and holistic system of healthcare, that supports the mind and body during its own healing process. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine dates back over 3000 years. Its main goal is to keep the body balanced and healthy by improving or aligning Qi and Energy flow within the body. This is achieved by stimulating specific acupuncture points (there are over 400) on the body with thin sterile, disposable, stainless steel needles. These points are found a

Acupuncture works to stimulate points and unblock stuck energy, allowing one’s Qi/ energy to flow and restore balance. Scientifically Acupuncture releases endorphins and serotonin which are the bodies natural pain killing chemicals and mood boosters. Modern research has proven acupuncture’s effect on the immune, endocrine, cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems. The whole process is incredibly relaxing and peaceful and keeps the mind and body healthy and happy for the long term.

Besides Acupuncture & Herbs We Offer

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