- alexis van hurkman

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Being the master of self-promotion that I am, I’ve let several weeks pass since this project posted publicly, but I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that the HDR grade of the new Evanescence video for “Better Without You,” is available on YouTube for viewing on any device capable of HDR YouTube playback (newer iOS devices for sure). Made here in the twin cities, directed by Eric D. Howell and shot by my good friend and frequent collaborator…

All things change. While I’ve never been one to dwell on my age, as I turn 50 this weekend, I find myself reflecting on the last milestone of my 40th birthday, and on the significance of what I began that year. Funny story, I missed my 40th birthday because I was flying to Singapore on March 6th for my first in-person meeting with the fine folks in the DaVinci Resolve engineering team, and crossing the international date line I arrived…

If you’re stuck at home, and you’ve been wanting to see the Chinese-language short I directed, “Carry My Heart to the Yellow River” after me talking about it all this time, are you in luck! It’s having a pair of one-time-only scheduled online screenings in both France and the USA on Saturday, April 25th.   The ÉCU (European Independent Film Festival) is screening our French Premiere (w/French and English subtitles) in the Saturday Session 2 block of shorts (we’re no.…

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