- Corina MacDonald

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As an information professional and Web consultant , I work with researchers, arts and non-profit organizations to develop digital strategies, resources and projects.

I received my Master's degree in Library and Information Studies (MLIS) from McGill University. After graduation I worked as a Heritage Information Analyst at the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN-RCIP) , researching standards for collections management. I was then the Project Manager for e-artexte , overseeing the design and launch of the open access repository for visual arts publishing at Artexte.

In 2012 I co-founded the MAT3RIAL collective alongside Antonia Hernández, Mél Hogan and Jacqueline Wallace. We work with a small group of collaborators and freelancers on digital projects with arts organizations, research groups, non-profit and social enterprises. Some selected clients and projects include: The Silver Guide to Non-Monetary Transactions (ARCA-ARCCC) ; Rappels , an archival database of theatrical productions in Quebec managed by Théâtres associés Inc; Collective Threads diversity toolkit proj