- The Copyright Detective® – keeping our clients copyright compliant

Example domain paragraphs

Self-published authors and indie publishers often want to use content created by others to enhance, embellish, support, and augment their creative works. Some of this content may be in the public domain and may freely be used without first obtaining permission. Other content is protected by copyright laws and permission must first be obtained to legally use copyrighted content.

The first challenge is to correctly identify which content is protected and which may freely be used. The second challenge is to identify the copyright holder, make contact, and acquire permission to use the chosen content in the manner desired. The consultants with The Copyright Detective® are available to assist with both of these challenges.

The Copyright Detective ® can review your content and identify copyright issues that may need to be addressed. Then we can develop a customized plan to help you become copyright compliant as you create and publish works that reflect your inspiration.