- CILA 2024 - Coolest in LA

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It may seem odd to use the word  cool  when we’ve just experienced our warmest summer yet — an extended heatwave that made its way all across the state, the country, and even various part of the world.

Our organization, Climate Resolve,  knows heat . This summer, we continued to push for innovative solutions such as sun reflecting solutions to cool down our heat-burdened neighborhoods. In June, we hosted  Reflecting Sunlight: Albedo as a Means to Reduce the Greenhouse Effect , a webinar to raise greater awareness of the radiative forcing benefits of cool surfaces, and the carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) quantification thereof.

In July, along with our partners at GAF, Pacoima Beautiful, and community members, we were able to implement reflective material on a 10-block radius of streets, including a school and a park, where about 7,300 people live within half a mile.

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