- Welcome to Cooking Oil UK

Description: Cooking Oil UK is a comparison and recommendation site for cooking oils. Cooking Oil UK sources premium gourmet products from around the world.

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Embark on an exhilarating culinary journey with Cooking Oil UK. Our mission is to spark your gastronomic intrigue and empower you to utilise exceptional cooking oils in your very own kitchen. With our recommendations, comparisons and recipes, we’ll explore tantalising aromas and flavours from the different parts of the world. Together, we’ll delve into the art and science of cooking with oil, ensuring you’re well-equipped to create delicious dishes with confidence and flair.

Contrary to popular belief, extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) isn’t just safe to cook with, it’s the ultimate cooking oil, bar none. As scientific breakthroughs illuminate the path, a research paper from 2018 reveals EVOO’s unparalleled stability amidst the world of cooking oils.

High-quality EVOOs boast significantly higher smoke points than their bargain-bin counterparts. But the true mark of excellence lies in oxidative stability and antioxidant levels, the heart and soul of health benefits. Gourmet EVOO reigns supreme in both arenas. Oxidative stability reflects an oil’s resistance to breaking down and producing harmful compounds when heated, while antioxidant levels contribute to the oil’s overall health-promoting properties. Both of these factors play a significant role in the

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